Abba as “my Dad”


I need to know You as “my Dad”

and the strength of Perfect Love.

I hunger for affirming words

which say to me, “Well done”

to feel the Dove alight on me,

I’m Your “beloved one” . . .

not because of anything

that I could say or do

just that You’re pleased . . .

with who I am . . .

and that I follow You.


I need to feel Your kindness

and touch of Gentle hands

safe enough to hold me close

with listening ears attentive to

the breadth of who I am . . .

the things I like and fill me with

excitement and delight  . . .

Who also treasures, saves, and stores

each tear that comes from pain

a costly rich perfume that bears

the fragrance of my name.


Then for the times when what I need’s

a set of Stronger Arms

be the Dad who lifts me up

when what I feel . . .

is small and weak inside

or I don’t trust enough.

Let Your Compassion meet the cry

of desperation in my eyes

when I’m unraveled like a child

who’s just trembling inside.


A Dad who has a Patient Heart

each time I fail and just mess up

when I’m confused and feeling lost . . .

give me Guidance that is wise . . .

Someone who knows just what to do

when I don’t even  have a clue.

A Dad who is a Champion

Who’ll rush to my defense . . .

encircle me with Loving Arms

committed to protect.


And for the war in unseen realms

be the Dad who can teach me how to fight

not with anger or brute strength

but with the Spirit’s might.

Make me strong to walk in faith,

in love, and purity.

Grant me grace to honor truth

with all integrity.

Be the Dad who

helps me set my sights to lift

the lives of others up

with humility . . . a servant’s heart . . .

Your kind and tender touch.


Let me hear Your coaching Voice

to reach for higher heights

to dream big dreams that I can’t do

without dependency on You.

And when the curtain rises . . .

’cause it’s my turn to share

the gift I have to offer,

on the stage of life,

let me see You seated

in a special front row seat

so I can hear Your clapping hands . . .

and cheering Voice rejoice

celebrating my success

(or . . . just because I’ve tried).


I’ll treasure all those tears I see

that make Your eyes go moist

they tell me just how proud You are

of the person I’ve become

communicating honor

and Your deep respect

with dignifying love.


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