Dream a Little Dream with Me

While waiting to fulfill a dream

it’s so tempting just to settle

by building hope on lesser things

that simply don’t resemble

the passion that could light our sky

launching with a will to try.


Let’s not settle on the sidelines

waiting for a dream −

’cause comfort zones compete with hope.

Be alert to recognize . . .

when it’s time to go for broke.


You see there is a time

for us to test our wings

when we must choose to risk the flight

and put to practice what we’ve learned

because the time is ripe.


A maiden voyage of our own −

excitement . . . mixed with fear.

But what a thrill when we succeed

and taste of how empowering

this prize which we hold dear.


And, could it be that there’s someone

(a person close to you)

who has bigger things in mind

than what you see inside yourself?

Perhaps it is a Grand Design.


You see, there is a Weaver

Who wants to spin for you

and you, and you, and even me

a set of healed and holy wings . . .

the kind that sends our hearts aloft

and makes our spirits sing.


So let us pray,

“God, give us grace to comprehend

the Price which it will cost

for fabric that is made of dreams

cannot be cheaply bought.

We want to glide untethered by

the weight of hind’ring things,

so teach us how to feed upon

just what the Spirit brings.


We’ll listen close to deep within

to find Your sweet supply.

You are our Hope, our Rich Resource . . .

our nourishment to fly.


Maker of dreams

Artist of artists, Poet of every soul

then sculpt me my destiny

richly compose −

the song I am to sing in life

the dream I am to paint

the dance that best will honor You

the music I’m to make.


Because the dream inside myself

(the one inside my core

that keeps me hungering for more)

is a sacred song sown deep within

of vision, hope, and promises.

Confronting fear and facing doubt

will be the key that draws it out.”

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