Maiden Voyage

There comes a time to test my wings

when I must risk the flight…

and put to practice what I’ve learned

because the time is ripe.

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In one respect, learning is meant to be life-long (our learning is never complete). There is also a season for submitting to the wise instruction and guidance of a mentor from whom we can gain valuable experience. Then there comes a time when, like Dragonfly Denny, you’re ready to “test your wings” with a flight or voyage of your own. “Maiden voyages” can be both exciting and scary. Can you point to a maiden voyage that you traveled? What was it like and what did you learn?

A maiden voyage of my own −

excitement… mixed with fear.

But what a thrill when I succeed

and taste how it empowered me…

a prize that I hold dear.

Sometimes our journey toward destiny involves stepping stones (small steps that appear to be a bit unglamorous initially, but over time they lead to bigger and better things). Other times we might have to “jump off the cliff” by doing something for which we feel completely inadequate. Someone once said, “Whatever is worth doing well is worth doing poorly (at first).” Realizing you won’t be polished when you try a new thing, how do you feel about stepping out and doing something imperfectly until you’re able to gain some experience?


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