You say that we’re a city
set upon a hill
called to be a blessing
by showing who You are
reaching out with kindness,
sharing hearts of love,
extending hands to cover
someone else’s need.
It really is the little things
that together do add up.
Gift bags of Your sweetness
to taste that You are good . . .
encouragement, a word of thanks
(it matters what we say)
for those who serve us faithfully
each and every day.
From officers to teachers,
fast food workers, and cashiers,
gratitude should be expressed
loud enough to hear.
We’re vigilant to pull the weeds
that grow within our hearts . . .
an outward sign of work within
let’s do the same on street corners
like Waverly and Jolly
MLK and Holmes . . .
a servant’s heart will humbly
make our Savior known.
From new shoes to hoops
(generosity’s fruit)
so many chances to pay it forward.
It’s random acts of kindness that
show up in local laundromats
putting smiles on faces
where tough times erased them
and spirits are tenderly watered.
Tutoring plus Sport’s Camp
and grocery bags of food
a Love The City Truck
to bring some music to the streets
planting hope within the gardens
of “5-1-7 hearts” . . .
loving people well creates
an inner city work of art.
We spread the simple message that
communicates important facts
“You matter. . . You’re seen . . .
You’re loved for just being.”
We seek out and honor the one.
All races, all faces, all ages created
from youth to the senior,
to all “in-betweeners”
we say simply, “Everyone come.”
Let’s show that we know
how community grows . . .
“You belong” is the heart of our song.
One plus one, plus one, plus one
makes up every city.
So one on one the work becomes
real renewal . . . let’s get busy.
A focused effort every year
called “Love the City Week”
when we give faith some hands and feet
to demonstrate our firm belief
that we can be a city
shining from “The Hill”. . .
memories we’re making
in the lives that we rebuild.
For as a King called Solomon
penned some words that said,
“When right living people bless the city,
it will surely flourish.” (Prov. 11:11, MSG)
This poem was inspired by an annual event sponsored by a local church in the Greater Lansing, MI area with intersections of Waverly and Jolly, and MLK (Martin Luther King) and Holmes roads. The area code is “517,” and the city is blitzed at summer’s end with all the things described in the poem and more — no strings attached and with no agenda other than to pour out love on the city.
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