No Room in the Inn

This is a poem about boxes that keep us from freedom. I wrote the original when I was struggling to break free from one. If you find yourself in a box, perhaps this poem, as the Creator speaking to you, will touch your heart.


From the window of Michal

have you been My disciple . . .

bound by a corset which will not let you breathe?

Did you search each and every single floor

of a structure you’re longing to give you more

so badly you’ve been yearning to find the door

which will unlock all your dreams?


Who built that box that you find yourself in 

opinions of others’ restriction through rules

or was it internal – inhibition from you?

A commitment to safety will rob you of risk.

There may be danger outside

but what of the cost as you wither within?


New wineskins are needed to hold My new wine.

Take a chance on adventure while there’s still time.

Break out of your box.

Let Me help you unlock

the glory that hides in your soul.

There’s a stage for your story

a place for your voice

a song only you can sing.

Poetry flows when you let yourself be

the you only you can be.


Dear daughter, dear son, dear child of Mine

there are shoes which await your dance –

from tap, to toe, to tango

flamenco, to hip hop, to jazz

salsa for zest, ballet will be best

when romance is what . . . you want to express,

modern dance for when you do the street.

Outside is where you’ll find your feet.


Perhaps you’re a woodland flower

a “jack-in-the-pulpit” that thrives in shade

maybe you’re called to pastor

a “church of the untouched woods” –

off the beaten, well-traveled path

I have songs for you,

just simply ask.

A special lectern’s prepared there too

penned and planted by the Wind.


Maybe you were ordained,

My dear and precious . . . most treasured child,

a flower which flourishes best, in My untilled and open wild.



[author’s note: “jack-in-the-pulpit” is the name of a particular field flower]



Sometimes in life, we find ourselves in circumstances where the very thing that causes our heart to dance is disallowed by a rule, a structure, a person, or a mindset. Dear reader, you have a song to sing, a dance to dance, a gift to express that will find expression if you trust the Maker of your soul to give you a creative outlet and the right timing.

The reference to Michal is the wife of King David in the Old Testament. Initially, she loved David and helped him escape her father Saul’s insanely jealous attempt to kill him (I Sam. 18-19). But, over time, whatever her initial attraction to David was (perhaps precisely his “unorthodox” nature), she eventually gave way to disdain as she watched his public display of unbridled joy in a manner which she felt lacked proper decorum (II Sam. 6). Sometimes the restriction that inhibits us from joyful abandon is imposed externally, and sometimes the restriction is our own inhibition from which we need release. Whatever the obstacle, seek the Creator’s leading. The world needs the gift that you are.

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